How do I calculate my test grade?

Since I have had a few hundred questions on this topic, I thought the web page would be a more efficient way to convey this information.  Here are the basics :  Simply multiply the score in red on the front on the scantron by "2" (the score on the scantron is the number you got correct, and since they are worth 2 points each you need to multiply by 2).  Then, add the score on the back of the scantron, which reflects your bonus points.  Since bonus questions are worth 1 point each, you do not need to multiply this score.

So, here is an example:  You get your scantron and it says "40" on the front and 6 on the back.  You multiply 40 by 2 (equals 80 for the mathematically impaired) and add 6 (from the bonus on the back) to give a total score of 86.  Congratulations, you just made a B!!